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“In hindsight, I now see that we weren’t alone in thinking something wasn’t right, and I have since repented for not standing up more and loudly prioritizing Jesus’ Lordship over everything else. I am ashamed to say I wish I would’ve done more!

And this documentary has really opened my eyes to it, not in rebellion but in Love for the Gospel, with passion for my fellow believers, and most importantly the worthiness of our Worship to Christ!! You CAN NOT replace that with online and YouTube. 
The Bride is a Body, not some vague idea of online entertainment. 

Anyway, it was a Godsend that I came across your website, the Trailer, and the fact that another believer gifted me this incredible documentary! Lord willing, I will pass this on to someone else and gift it forward!
Thanks again for everything and I pray over the different ministries involved and may God bless you all!!”